Located in the heart of Galway city, Whitehall Medical Centre aims to provide excellence in medical care in a modern and friendly environment.
We are a city centre practice providing GP care to both Galway residents and visitors for the past forty years.
We provide general practice services to private and medical card/E111/NHS patients. New patients are welcome.
General Practice
Womens Health
Mens Health
Family Planning/Contraception
Travel Vaccines
Minor Surgery
Routine Consultation €55
Consultation and Bloods €70
Review Consultation €30
Student with valid ID €45
Pill Consultation with nurse €40
Childrens Consultation €45
Blood Pressure Monitor including ECG €100
NHS/E111 visitors with valid card are covered free of charge
Whitehall Medical Centre has signed up for the Under Sixes Free GP Care. This is due to commence on July 1st 2015. We encourage all parents of under sixes to register their children in order to be able to avail of this service. It is very simple to do online by going to the following link https://www.pcrsonline.ie/portal/free-gp-care-web/pub.
You will need the child’s PPSN and the guardians PPSN. Children under six will only be able to avail of this free GP care if they have signed up and received their doctors visit cards.
WhiteHall Medical Centre, Whitehall Close, Abbeygate Street Lower, Galway. Tel: 091 564 241